Despite the universe's efforts to smite me....
I managed to release a new outfit today called Oceana. It's another one inspired by graphic novels, female action figures in films and just plain girls that can beat up boys. I'm happy with it, but it was not the release I had hoped for.
In the wee hours of the morning (lately i get to bed at 6 or 7 am ) I was in this cool zone working on a very detailed addition to the GingerDead collection. I had all my pieces ready and was just figuring out where I wanted character embellishments placed when Photoshop exploded. This has happened a few times in the last week or so and I have lost work, but not to the extreme I did last night. Hours of work just poof... gone. :( I know I should save often, but PS had always been reliable until now and I was just so into the work that I never got around to saving. BLEH.
Anyway, I spent time troubleshooting and then doing a 'repair' of PS, so hopefully it's okay now. To test it I created Oceana, never saving as I went along and daring PS to smite me again. It did not.
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